Rs 1 Crore provided to GMC B’la under ADP to Augment Health Infrastructure
BARAMULLA, MAY 19 – In order to facilitate the growing physio-medico needs of the patients, the District Development Commissioner (DDC) Baramulla, Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar today inaugurated Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation center for Patients with severe and mild ailments at Government Medical College (GMC) Baramulla.
The DDC also took first hand appraisal of the institute and reviewed other developmental activities of public importance.
Principal Government Medical College (GMC) Baramulla, (Prof) Dr Ruby Reshi, Medical Superintendent, Dr Parveez Masoodi and other concerned were present on the occasion.
At the outset, the DDC dedicated the much awaited Physical Rehabilitation center to Government Medical College Baramulla and extended happiness for the facility meant for the patients with different ailments.
The center will facilitate all the patients of North Kashmir, and people will no longer have to visit outside Baramulla district for such medical treatment.
After inaugurating the Physical Rehabilitation center, Dr Sehrish said the clinic would provide apt treatment to the patient with different ailments like spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Stroke, Disc Prolapse, fracture etc.
She further added that Physical therapy in this center will prove to be a crucial part of recovery from many health problems as the center will be well equipped with all the latest and sophisticated medical facilities to deal with medical problems.
In another significant initiative to strengthen GMC Baramulla, the District Administration Baramulla provided Rs. 1 Crore to the institute under Aspirational District Programme for its further development. Under this breakup, Rs 42 Lacs were allotted to the GMC for construction and relocation of the MRD section outside the hospital building, Rs 31 Lacs for the urological unit and Rs. 27 Lacs for casualty and ER Room upgradation.
In this regard, Dr Sehrish said that providing the best medicare facilities along with the development of the health infrastructure is the core concern of district administration.
Later, Dr Sehrish also chaired a meeting of all concerned authorities during which she took a comprehensive review of the functioning of the hospital.
Principal GMC Baramulla and Medical Superintendent apprised the chair with regard to the medical facilities provided to the patients.
Dr Sehrish directed the concerned to put in their best efforts for improving the medical facilities in Government Medical College and stressed on strengthening the monitoring mechanism for improving the health care system. She also called to make ICU functional in the hospital and asked to ensure the installation and functioning of biometric attendance.
She also stressed on discouraging unnecessary referrals except those of serious nature which require specialized treatment and also sought details of prescription and death cases.
Moreover, DDC exhorted upon the concerned authorities to accommodate students within the campus and also shift academics to new block for the convenience of the medical students.
Meanwhile, various issues were raised by the authorities for the smooth functioning of GMC Baramulla including establishment of MRD Center, Cath labs, Radiotherapy, ERCP Lab and dedicated staff for ICU.
Responding to the issues, Dr Sehrish assured that the demands under the capacity of district administration will be redressed at an earliest and other demands will be forwarded to the higher ups for their redressal.