SRINAGAR, FEB 16 – Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Kashmir (IMHANS-K) Department of Child psychiatry on Wednesday organized one day capacity building program for Pediatricians on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, in collaboration with Directorate of Health Services Kashmir under the initiative of “Waliv Kath Karaw”. More than fifty Pediatricians, Medical officers, consultants from different districts of the Kashmir valley joined the program.
During the program a team of resource persons from Department of Child Psychiatry IMHANS along with Dr. Majid Shafi the nodal officer from District Mental Health Program at Directorate of Health Services Kashmir. Dr. Abrar Ahmad Consultant Psychiatrist IMHANS-K, Dr. Bilal Ahmad and Mr. Jagmeet Singh the Clinical Psychologists from IMHANS-K, trained the pediatricians about the overall paradigm of mental health particularly about the approach to Child Psychiatry through community Pediatricians, Learning Disability, approach to Hyperactivity among Children and to build the referral pathways for the better interest of Child mental Health .
Dr. Zaid Wani , Head of Child Psychiatry IMHANS-K, while lauding the efforts of the team and Directorate of Health Services Kashmir said that such programmes especially when pediatricians who are the frontline doctors in the treatment of children, can play a vital role with better results in catering child mental health at communities.
Dr. Majid Shafi in his session educated the fellow doctors about the importance of role of pediatricians in diagnosis, handling and referring of children with mental health issues.
Syed Mujtaba coordinator of the training program in his concluding remarks added that, the department of Child psychiatry is trying to sensitize, enhance the capacity of each and every stake holder dealing with the children within their spaces so there can be a better promotion and protection of child mental health.