Approval of a Rehabilitation Policy for Children in Street Situations (CISS) is a boon for saving the future of children in distress who mostly spend their lives in a disastrous manner in the streets. These children barely have any means to survive having adequate food, clothing, shelter, and means of livelihood. To maintain their viability they primarily rely on doing odd services or begging to hold on to their lives. Every now and then these street children are assisted by non-profit organisations principally for food and shelter. However, they have no permanent means to manage their lives in a proper way. The government of Jammu and Kashmir under the Juvenile Justice Act seeks protection for these children. The government has assigned the Health, School Education, Housing and Urban Development Department (H&UDD), Rural Development Department (RDD), and Home, Labour and Employment departments to ensure proper implementation of this policy. The implementation of the policy will be reviewed by the Chief Secretary of the committee established to control it. This policy aims to uplift children who are in dire need of better means of survival. These children will be looked after by the government for their shelter, food, and education. The promotion of better survival for street children and the measures to be taken to provide them with the prescribed opportunities for the enhancement of their future. The establishment of this policy is the first-of-its-kind advancement policy sought by the government to cover all the needy street children under it to boost their shattered lives.
The Habitual Shifts
Electricity tariff in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is anticipated to increase by one rupee per unit. The...