An abusive environment is equally disastrous for people of all genders and treats every person callously. The dysfunction and damage it causes can be barely controlled. Affection between the people is lost either momentarily or permanently. Protection of each others’ rights is neglected and the sentiments are misplaced. Prompt support from machines is sought instead of living support from humans. Emotions are suppressed and so is the urge of adopting them. There might be a number of factors responsible for the cause of emotional damage to humans. Either humans are becoming excessively unfaithful and unfateful for emotions or are overpraising the presence of technology in the modern world. It now seems the world is metamorphosing into a ‘society devoid of heart.’ Loss of emotional intelligence in the world should be a major concern. Even if there is an overuse of technology in human society, it will be run by humans. Human production is not at stake but the ability of humans to interact with one another and rely on emotions definitely is. Not comprehending human issues and problems and repressing the urge to an expression of one’s sentiments in an environment held by humans together is a trouble to emotional intelligence. The very concept has never been taken acutely or addressed anywhere as if the emotions are the least to matter. Hurting one another’s feelings has become common and affected the day-to-day humans-plights at homes, institutions, communities, workplaces, and each and every corner where humans dwell. The impact of omitting the importance of emotions leads human society to gainsay the urgency of promoting emotional intelligence among humans.
The Habitual Shifts
Electricity tariff in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is anticipated to increase by one rupee per unit. The...