SRINAGAR – Director, Rural Development, Kashmir, Tariq Ahmad Zargar today convened a Google meet with the officers to review the progress of various developmental UT Sector and Centrally Sponsored (CS) schemes being implemented by the Department.
During the meeting, a detailed review of different flagship programmes including Capex Budget (CD & Pyt Sector), Construction of DDC/ BDC Offices, MGNREGA, PMAY-G, RGSA was taken.
It was informed that under MGNREGA against the target of 47.83 lac person days set for ending September 2021, over 58 Lac person days have already been generated till date and an amount of Rs 18312.86 lac stands disbursed among the Job card holders.
Similarly, under RGSA, 86 Panchayat Ghars have been taken up for construction, out of which 18 Panchayat Ghars have been completed. Under Capex Budget, CD and Pyt Sector Scheme, 1270 works have been approved for the FY 2021-22, with an allocation of Rs. 5820.31 lac.
Director, Rural Development Kashmir asked the officers to submit the Budget Estimates for FY 2022-23 and Revised Estimates of FY 2021-22 under the Capex Budget (CD and Pyt Sector) within the next two days. He also stressed on completing all works expeditiously and well within the stipulated time lines.
It was informed that during the current FY 2021-22, 10 District Development Council (DDC) and 24 Block Development Council (BDC) Offices have been approved for construction with directions to take-up the execution of works as per the approved design on priority.
Under PMAY-G, concerned officers were asked to fix the targets as per norms/ guidelines of the scheme for the financial year 2021-22 and based on the existing Permanent Wait List (PWL) finalized on Awass Plus.
Director Rural Development, Kashmir also reviewed the status of Playfields in all the Panchayats of Kashmir Division. ACDs were directed to share the details of such Panchayats where land is not available for development of Playfields so that the matter is taken-up with concerned District Development Commissioners for identification of land.
Zargar stressed to ensure release of wage payment under MGNREGA within the fixed time lines and ensure taking up of new works so as to facilitate Job Card holders to earn their livelihood at their door steps given the COVID Pandemic. He also urged greater coordination with PRI members in order to achieve the developmental targets and also in the dissemination of awareness related to adherence to Covid Appropriate Behavior/ SOPs like hand hygiene, social distancing and wearing of masks by the general public.
The meeting was attended by Superintending Engineer, REW Kashmir, Deputy Director (Planning). Assistant Commissioner Development (ACDs), Executive Engineers, REW of Kashmir Division and other officers attended the meeting through virtual mode.