Healthcare and medicine have played an appreciable role in dealing with the rough times of the ongoing pandemic. They are the ones who have always been at the beck and call of the Covid infected patients at hospitals. Overlooking their personal daily affairs, doctors pay much attention to the patients and have made survival possible until now. There is a lot they are challenged with these days especially as they put their lives at risk. Many of the doctors lose their lives while helping others live. Doctors who died due to the Covid infection certainly deserve compensation that will eventually help their families to get along with their lives. There are doctors who were the lone bread earners in their families. There are some whose children are still studying. There are doctors who have left elderly and ailing parents behind. With the recent report filed by the Indian Medical Association, it has been put forth that only one doctor among 78 doctors in Bihar who got infected during performing their duty and died due to the Covid19 virus. Only one doctor’s kin has received the compensation of 50 lakhs and the rest 77 families are still waiting for the compensation. Doctors have been the only hope of people in a desperate situation like the Covid19 in the world. The same compensation would be an endowment too to the families who lost their beloved while serving humanity. The state ought to justice with the whole community of doctors who have laid their lives for a cause. All of them are entitled to what the one among them has received.
The Habitual Shifts
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