Covid has put us in a perplexing situation where we have to choose between life and death. We are being given a specific way we can persist with. If we choose to meet the crowd – we choose death. If we choose to quash the gatherings – we choose life. To follow the guidelines to contain the spread of the virus is mandatory and we are solely accountable for its implementation. Likewise, we rely on the resources available to meet our requirements needed to safeguard ourselves. Vaccination is one such resource that is a fundamental prerequisite for saving one’s life. The Covid vaccine had proven to be a ray of hope in the darkest of times, but the unavailability of this vaccine at prescribed centers has snatched that ray too. The citizens have been given false hope in the name of the vaccine. Somewhere in the country people got one shot of it and keep on waiting even after completing the intermission of six to eight weeks. Somewhere people are still waiting to get their first shot done. Even if a common man approaches the Covid vaccination center, he is either being asked to wait or is bashed with a direct harsh ‘not available’ response’ Is there a dearth of the vaccine in India? Why has this life-saving thing been out of reach of people? Even if there is a shortage of the vaccine in the country, it should be met at a proper time appropriately. But it seems that the authority is busy dodging the issue of the unavailability of the vaccine in the country. Fascinatingly, it has updated the gap and extended the transmission to a minimum of twelve and a maximum of sixteen weeks.