It is a welcoming step that the Tribal association in Kashmir has reached out to the authority asking for an immediate mobile vaccination drive among the nomads of the valley. Since it is nearly impossible for tribals to trek down to the towns and get themselves injected, the authority needs to reach them. It is the need of an hour to get each part of the society engaged in the vaccination drive in Kashmir. The question is how far this community allows itself to take part in this drive? Is there have to be a way out to convince a majority of them, if not all, to get a shot of vaccine? How are the Tribals treating the pandemic? Although it has been a challenging task to convince the people in Kashmir of the existence of the ongoing pandemic, convincing Tribal people who are comparatively less educated and ignorant of the medical necessities will be equally unenthusiastic about having the vaccination done. A community that is still persuaded by the existence of superstitions is difficult to convince for something invisible that is existent. The challenge for the healthcare sector and the authority in Kashmir has just commenced. To establish contact with the nomads and to bring them forward for this arduous task is fairly an incipience to manage the Covid crisis in the region. Health and wellness have become compelling adversity of a day. Awareness regarding the retention of this virus is the prime need of the hour and should be whirled among the masses immensely.