With the increase in the number of Covid infected patients, the whole of the valley alongside the winter capital Jammu has been closed down to track the expansion of the pandemic. Markets have been closed, along with the educational institutions. No crowd is allowed to gather in the region. This has triggered the desertion of social gatherings, meetings, and religious conventions. However, the virus has conquered the scene. It has overcome the human essentials and has insisted to stress the other side of the coin which was otherwise unnoticed. Health has inadvertently become a priority. People are taking voluntary precautions and admitting to being contagious. They are practicing isolation and are keeping themselves confined to their homes. It is an appreciative move shown by people toward others in their societies. But how far is the administration being supportive to people? People living in contaminated zones are awaiting sanitization because the government hasn’t reached them yet. They are not able to step out of their homes because of the threat of contamination. They at least deserve a shield against this epidemic to save their lives. If the virus has spared them probably because of their cautiousness, yet they are vulnerable to the attack from it. The second wave has nothing like the first wave in it. It indeed has proven to be deadlier, moreover, people are also cautious and in line for the necessary steps to be taken to safeguard themselves and others. Sanitation drives should have been a part of the protection (which unluckily the administration has failed to provide). While people are ceasing their dear lives, SMC and other concerned departments are busy making their way through other things.