Creating a space for the newly introduced CoronaVirus in our lives is indeed a challenging condition to accept. We, as humans, cannot allow ourselves to be vulnerable to death. We are averse to forced or coerced death. Considering the worldwide mass deaths happening due to our incapability of struggling with a fatal pandemic, we have somehow geared ourselves up for its adverse effects. The world is suffering badly; either physically or emotionally, socially or financially, and is in a state of confusion, doubt, and agony and have come to grief. Human lives matter, but nature knows no human in particular. It treats every person equally. Can nature ever be nocuous? Well, it has always been kind to the creatures. It never has harmed us ungrudgingly without even half of our fault. Does it mean humans are responsible for the outbreak of CoronaVirus anyhow? There are questions yet to arise in our minds and we are yet to search for their answers. The only need of an hour is to find protection against the already erupted pandemic, not to ask where it came from or why it broke out. Serious damage to human lives has been chronicled in the human history of suffering and survival. With passing time we have been taught to adopt certain new norms which add to the list of precautions. With the arrival of this grave concern, we aren’t even allowed to breathe freely. Each second, we are struggling to take each puff of breath heavily and nervously, at the cost of one’s own dear life. We never watched our curves and now we watch nature swerve.


This post was published on April 27, 2021 1:19 pm